In this roll we could be everything, we could be a Mother, a worker, “it’s our bodies” Women, 'we will do as we like Women'.
All our morals meant nothing as “We Are Women.” We were told that nothing mattered but us and our wants and our goals. And most of us sat and watched and read this all on TV and in the Madison Avenue magazines. And we became dazed.
We became a stuffed version of ourselves; we became a toy, a toy for the Media and Politicians, as they used us for cheap sex, and a vote, all this as they tore our bodies apart, while dressing us in sexy lingerie. We became stuffed toys for the elites to use as they wished.
When the news of Sarah Palin as a VP choice came out last week… America took a big sigh of relief. Why?
Was it just Republicans who took this breath? Was it independent women, most women, some Democrats? Who was it that took this deep sigh of relief?
It was almost everyone in America except for the mainstream media, the Democratic pundits, and the hard-core leftists.
Yes, women everywhere, even the ones that were sold on hope and change, took that healing breath. Why? Because Sarah IS hope and change, she does not talk about it, she is it, without effort, not feigned, just is!
Why is she our hope and our change? She is just a woman, with five kids, pretty, not a model though, married for 20 years, and, frankly, average in many ways.
And, that is why American took that breath of relief, for she is REAL. Yes, real… finally women became real. Like in ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’, all that the child and the rabbit ever wanted was to be real and that is what America has been waiting for almost 50 years, for a Woman in politics to be real, to have a woman role model who is a real woman.
Not a clone of a man Hillary, not a Barbara Streisand or an Oprah woman. No, super Hollywood types just can’t cut it, they are not real. They kept us holding our breath, in the hope that one day we can be like them, a fabricated ideal, a well marketed and distributed feminist fantasy.
Now we breathe…we see a real deal who is like us. We don’t need the ‘empowerment’ that only takes away from our real power, we just have to be ourselves, we have to be REAL and that what Sarah Palin represents

A woman, a mother, a wife, who holds a job, and does not complain every five minutes about how hard it all has been, while she holds her Down Syndrome baby, a child from God that she loved… she did not see this baby as a punishment, but a gift from God.
And we see her as a gift from God. We can finally throw out all the ads of the sexy perfect working woman, the sex symbol woman, the sex in the city woman, the woman who has no morals. We were never them, they tried to make us them.
Now we are finally seeing us, yes, us.

A lovely woman, so full of life, abilities, with time for truth, for family and for community...
It is time to say no to the lies that the media has been brainwashing us with for 50 years. We are tired; not from the work but from making believe.
We just want to be real, and Sarah gives us all permission to be real.

A woman, who can do it all, who is not perfectly coifed for the camera. A woman who looks like us, acts like us, and is a symbol of us.
Perhaps, now American woman can come back to life after 50 years of trying to be what she was not and will never be, a fake idea of a woman.
It is our time to become REAL again.
Finally peace out,
1 comment:
Bean Girl is right on, as usual!!!!
The women I know on the left HATE her. I think she scares them because they don't intimidate her!
(oh and because she allows them to kill wolves from the air. But Obama gets a pass on setting babies aside to die without medical care!)
So, using Sarah's inspiration, when Obama's campaign called my house yesterday, I asked them some tough questions, instead of my usual be polite and get off the phone quickly. I asked the worker if he had looked into Saul Alinsky, William Ayres and Khalid al-Mansour.
When NOW/NARAL women treat me like a second class citizen because I didn't abort my second son (both are legally blind) they will now have a fire breather on them instead of someone who was so appalled she couldn't speak.
You are right on Bean Girl!!!
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