"Voltaire was a talented man but he wasted his talent when he laughed at every opportunity where he should have learnt"- Eliphas Levi

Dear Monica,
I have known you now for years, almost to the day. I remember when we met; you were a kind woman with an erratic and nervous energy. I understood why you had that energy, you were just coming off a 20 some year marriage, were alone and deeply depressed.
We slowly befriended each other. I found you good hearted, and with some knowledge, although, skewed by the Woodstock generation. But you were open. Since there was no one to tell you how to think anymore, you were free for the first time in your life.
You were afraid of that freedom, so our long talks would be a time of questions and answers. I spent the better part of 4 years counseling you on the simplest of matters. And that is OK, I understood where you came from, that you were in the bubbles of the intelligentsia and the LA times.
I enjoyed our conversations; I enjoyed watching you becoming a whole thinking person again, learning to see what the world really was. As a poor farmer's daughter, you wanted more than anything else to be accepted, yet, in a worldly sense. I knew you needed to prove to someone, that you were not just a farmer’s daughter but a woman of the world. Someone traveled and well read, as well read as any one form the 60’s were allowed to be.
I started to see a transformation right before my eyes, the woman of the 60’s radical culture started to go back to her roots. To her little child, to God. I was an amazing transformation. Like a butterfly opening up. You almost made it Monica; you were at the finish line.
But fear came back with a vengeance, and it griped you again. It held you tight, it was comfortable, it was the way of the hippie. The way of; I am more enlightened than most, I know more than all the people throughout history, I am a demi god and I will do as I please. I have ‘the’ source of knowledge, and that is the LA, or the NY times.. they are the badge of my honor, the badge that lets everyone know I am intelligent. Not a farmer’s daughter.
And than came the ‘one’ the man we know not. He came to create ‘peace’ to stop division, to bring us all together. Yes the ‘one’ came to town, driven by the old rag mags, the LA, and the NY times and their cohorts. Not a question was asked of the ‘one. The ‘one’ we know not. The ‘one' America voted into a presidency, knowing not what he will do. But he was called the ‘one’, and that was all they needed to know. But why was he called the ‘one’?
Caroline Kennedy used an old Hopi saying at his coronation into the Democratic party “We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For”. The new ‘one’ repeated that a few days latter, in fact, every word that came from his mouth came for a movie, a book, a speech and, the most fearful of all, his change mantra came from Hitler. Everything the ‘one’ said was from somewhere else, I started to wonder if there was any independence left in the ‘one’. But I digress.
As a farmers daughter you needed deep in your soul to be part of the movement of ‘change’. You did not know what that ‘change’ would be, but as a hippie, did it matter? It sounded cool, hip and all the ‘real’ people believed in the ‘one’ The simple people did not. And you could not be around the simple people, for it brought back too many memories of not being good enough for the ‘ intelligentsia’ you needed, like fix of smack so the world to love you. This you craved beyond all else. You stopped reading anything of truth and stuck to the rag paper, the LA times. They still had the facade of being truthful, and if you told your crowd you read it, than you would be accepted. And so it was the end of the butterfly, her wings were clipped again by fear. The fear of not being accepted by the ungodly, idolatrous of the world.
So a few days after the election was “won” by the “one”, I say that because I am not sure whether it was won or stolen, but again, stealing is only a word for the ‘other party’. The democratic party has no rules, like the hippies, no rules exist.. a party and a generation of total personal peace, affluence and destructive cynicism.
Oh yes, you gloated as you called me to tell me why you had not sent back my book after 7 months. I knew you would never send it back, and that was not why you called. And so the truth was revealed. You needed to shove, ever so sweetly, as I have come to know your style, that the ‘one’ was the master and the hippies were back in full force.
But that sweetness soon turned into venom, as I told you voted for a man who you knew not. As you were telling me how evil Sarah Palin was, I called you on it; you had all the talking points of the LA times. My stomach started to turn, I felt like I was back in collage with my hippie professors under the thumb of their indoctrination. You tried your best to indoctrinate me; you could not. You tried your best to make me see how evil Sarah was and how good the ‘one’ was; but it was not working. You used the war in Iraq; but that did not work because we have a silent mass genocide of 40 million plus babies killed in this country since the hippies took over. So, I was lost on that point.
Than you said what many a hippie say; it is where the hate, and war spews from your mouths like a venom. The venom I have grown up to run from.. for in this venom lay the seeds of deception, the seeds that have torched a whole generation and left a country in ash.
You resorted to putting down the whole state of Alaska, mostly American Indians and Eskimos, as rabid sic Christians that you would have no part of.
And that is when I allowed the phone to go dead.. for I knew I was speaking to a dead soul.. who lost her way so long ago. Who murdered a whole state, along with 80% of this country. A woman who once allowed herself to go back to God but now she needed not God, for the ‘one took His place.
And that is why I write this letter to you, for what can I say to a Woodstock woman indoctrinated to believe right is wrong and wrong is right? I know your daughter will follow in her mother’s footsteps for acceptance. I pray your son will run from the ideology of your generation. We need men again not half breed boys running around pretending to be men.
He has much to fix, as I and many others do. A whole country was burned down by a generation that knew only themselves, and there is much work to build up from the ashes of what the legacy of your generation left us.
It’s been 50 years of turning anyone non affiliated and not supporting the Democrat Party Establishment into a cultural non entity. Do we want eight more years of this cultural dictatorship?
The Hopi phrase "We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For” was used by Caroline Kennedy, a woman who was given a position from birth to use words as bullets or as salve. She used the Hopi Indians’ words as a bullet and the ‘one' turned it into an assault weapon. This assault weapon turned on America and what it used to stand for.
Yet, the meaning of "We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For” is a spiritual meaning of personal responsibly and connection to God. Not your narcissistic personal peace and affluence, not the 'fundamental transformation' of society the 'one’ speaks of, but an individual personal responsibility, rather then surrendering that responsibility to the government of the 'one’.
The irony is that these words come from the Hopi Indian tribe, a tribe revered by the hippies for their ‘peaceful’, ‘spiritual’ ways, a tribe that is… Republican… now, I wonder why? If you can answer that, you win the million dollar prize. But, alas, you will not be able to because fear and hate are the seeds sown by the Woodstock generation…when they find out that the Hopis are Republicans, they too will be deemed evil. By the way, Caroline’s mother Jacqueline Kennedy was a great Republican, something few are allowed to know.
I read about the pounding rain during the weekend of Woodstock. Rain, and mud mixed with drugs and rock-n-roll was a lethal combination…hippies ranted and raved at the ‘man', the ‘pigs’ … but when the rain was so bad, and the death toll was rising, who came in to save their asses? Yes the ‘man’, the ‘pigs’…and so it is… the real ‘ones’ who give you your freedom you spit upon, and the ‘ones’ who take your freedom away you kiss… could it be you know deep down that you do not deserve freedom at all?
Could that be the message God was sending through the torrential rain that weekend?
Little Zio,
I have read now several of your letters (on politics & film) through Yervand's newsletters. They are always deeply insightful. And it's a pleasure to read them. And now with the 'one' and a Hollywood that bows to the 'one below' and now to 'him' we have our hands full. But we empty our hands of them and fill them with God, apply to the surface of the earth and let Him eat away the filth.
Tim Perior
I have a "Monica", too.
I am a baby boomer who has always been on the "outside"...don't know how else to put it. But I have two ex friends who just couldn't tolerate my differing political and moral opinions. It hurt me at first. But then, were they ever really my friends? I doubt it.
Isn't it ironic that the ones who claim to be from the party of tolerance are the least tolerant people?
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