(a man with no birth certificate either)

(first Armenian Church in the Western Hemisphere)
Introduction to Observations and Challenges
For someone who became an American citizen by choice I have been always fascinated by the enthusiasm and trust that the people of America invest into their electoral process. Presidential elections in the countries that I and, for example, Mr. Obama have ancestral links to, are usually followed by a civil war, murders, unrest, fire and broken windshield and arms. The only difference is that I fled that kind of an aftermath and Mr. Obama rallied for one of the guys who usurped the power in Kenya after he disputed his own defeat. On the other hand, I had no dog in the fight, while Mr. Obama was supporting his cousin, Odinga.
Here are some observations by a naturalized citizen who loves his new country but has a very, very hard time understanding its voting pattern (and baseball) :
When Republicans win presidency it is because of the fraud and when Democrats win it is because of the failed policies of the Republicans. Well, then if Dems have no failed policies how come they fail saving elections from being stolen by Republicans when they are in power ( Clinton- Bush transition) By the same token, if Republicans are so flawed how they are so good in not being able to steal an election when they are in power
(Bush- Obama).
When Republicans loose elections they get on stage and congratulate the winner right away ( McCain – Obama) when Dems loose elections they send John Edwards to tell the people that they will fight to the end… then concede later. I wonder if anyone has a video of John Edward’s speech…
When Dems win it’s a change, a brilliant campaign by talented managers when Republicans win it’s a government takeover orchestrated by Karl Rove, even in the times when Karl Rove was not born yet
Hillary Clinton is the only woman who was brokenhearted by two US presidents in the same decade, while Sarah Palin is the only woman who was interviewed by two dumbest news personalities in the same month.
There is something touching in seeing Jessie Jackson crying at Obama victory speech. He was probably upset that after so many years of struggle, the son of slaves cannot be a President but a man whose father is from Africa can. Because for him it was never the skin color but the plight of the oppressed people in the South and now also in Hawaii.
I saw a man who was bombing the US government buildings standing in the line to vote for the man who started his career at his house and was minutes away from him in the same line, while the US military men and women had problems casting their ballots since they were far and were busy protecting the rights of the terrorist to teach children whose parents he was trying to kill back in the day when the man who started his career at his house was only 8 years old.
Just like Kennedy won because of the TV, Obama won because of Internet and idolatry. The amount of Obama images overwhelmed our streets and in most of them he looked like Lenin. Maybe Obama is not a socialist but his graphic representation is increasingly Stalinist. All the posters with his inspired face and futuristic color contrast were oddly similar to the propaganda posters of Communist leaders that I so hated back in my country. I agree that it is very effective to be reminded that change and hope are concepts invented by Obama but why do they have to look as if they are from 1937 Russia?
How can you elect a man who went to a church for 20 years but never visited its book store? Or, how can you elect a man who admired his spiritual mentor without ever buying one Dvd with his speech? I mean, even Matt Damon who is not running for anything serious except from CIA in the movies, bothered to read the book of his dirty rat communist professor Howard Zinn.
Obama’s half brother in Kenya could survive for 33.33 years on one John Edward haircut.
I still do not understand how the blacks rejected the wife of the first black president in favor of a guy who is only half black.
(If Mr. Obama answers this questions he is my President).
If we hope that everything will be changed , can the hope be changed too?
If this is the change we can believe in, what was the change we could not believe in?
If we are the ones we have been waiting for, what is going to happen if we don’t show up?
If we are the ones we have been waiting for why did it take us so long to show up?
How many good economic meltdowns does it take to replace one bad pastor?
How many federal building bombings does it take to change a prison sentence for an education professor job?
When the civilian force is created can we call for its immediate withdrawal without overthrowing Hussein, after all, there is no link between Hussein and terrorism, he just attended a dinner with a Palestinian sympathizer and Farahakan’s march.
If Arnold Schwarzenegger looses his birth certificate can he run for the President?
Can you make a Constitutional Amendment to finally get rid of Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers?
Is dissent the highest form of patriotism until January the 20th or should we stop now?
Weren’t backdrops with tall columns used primarily in Greek tragedies?
Are you sure people were not voting for Oprah?
Are we still going to impeach Bush?
How a man with such big ego like Biden can deal with such a small country like Iran?
Don’t we all wish that the guy who sold us our house can be thrown into jail too?
How many world wars does one have to start in one century to have you give a peace speech in thier capital?
When you promised the ocean levels to rise, was the mark at 250 000, 200 000 or
120 000 level….or was it 42 000, after all?
I have friend who was born in California. His family is of an Armenian descent and immigrated to America from Egypt. Can I encourage him to run as the first Armenian-African-American candidate?
If nothing else he can demand reparations from AAA and privatize DMV( please)?
Finally, If Mickey Mouse was register by ACORN would you allow him to run in 2012 on a Republican ticket? That way Republicans can gain two important constituencies – PETA and young demographic of 8 to12 years old.
1 comment:
I'm so glad to see someone can keep a bit of humor in the mix. (I was downright frightened that America elected this unknown entity President after seeing his police state tactics. His call for a national police security force scares me to death.) But I need to see the humor and irony, too...just to keep my sanity....
As always, I really appreciate your writing.
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